Tuesday, January 2, 2018

aaaaaaaaand I'm back!

Welp, no excuses. I got busy and distracted from writing. Visiting this blog is one thing I definitely want to return to for the new year. I received a book for Christmas containing essays from many different people about their experience and love of NYC. I've only read 4 at this point, but each one tries to capture what makes NYC such a special place. It got me thinking, were I to write an essay, what would I have to say? 

I'm approaching my ten-year anniversary this summer. I moved to NYC in June 2008 when this blog began. The lows I've experienced in the past decade have been low indeed, but they're the kind of trials one would experience no matter where you live. But the highs I've felt, those moments when you have to remind yourself it's not a dream, those highs could only happen in New York City.

I have a strange feeling my time is limited and the hustle of it all is very wearying, but the thought of leaving breaks my heart a bit. I've become so attached to the anonymity I can feel here and also the community I've built. The transient nature of it forces detachment, but also depth. One discovers several versions of themselves here and for me, it brought me to a much deeper understanding of my true self. 

Moving forward, I hope to continue to capture special days & moments on this blog, so I can always have immediate record of this extraordinary time of my life.

Monday, August 1, 2016


Last summer I found myself in Montauk by invitation from the darling family I've been babysitting for 7 years. They come out each summer for a month to close the season. I was only able to join them for a day but with the promise that the next summer would be longer.

Now I'm out here again, but with SWERVE. My green light to leave The Greenwich. The sunrise this morning reminded me of the choice I made to challenge my comfort zone and step out on faith that this would be the opportunity to shift my priorities to focus of the desires of my heart.

The sun has risen directly into my eyes as I type this, and I cannot help but feel happy about the fact that I cannot see a thing! Haha! I have one more class to teach to a group of people I met yesterday. A family of four that made me miss my family. A young couple from the City & perhaps a couple more new people. This job is so fun!

I knew I'd be back in Montauk this summer, I just didn't know how. This past year has been a whirlwind. A feeling of peace accompanied every moment of change though, which allowed me to progress with calm confidence.

Monday, July 11, 2016

About to leap...

It's an extraordinary feeling of anticipation & one that makes me... speechless!

Tonight there are so many celebrities & ones that I've come to know over the years. It's an incredibly unique world that I've operated within for the past 7 years. SEVEN YEARS!! Who stays in a customer service job that long?

My heart breaks a little to leave this place, but it's the same feeling that comes with graduation. It's time for a gigantic shift, leaving everything I've known. My NYC home, my foundation, my place of identity & safety. A place that has helped me grow into a confident, direct, authoritative woman. And one that let's me meet and interact with (almost) everyone in the business that I adore and admire! I cannot wait for that first job with someone that I met here. It will be such a fun reunion. I wonder who it will be!

Nothing will be missed more than my kisses from Bob. He really has become my NYC Grandpa, but he's so on my side for this change, which gives me such confidence stepping out into the unknown. I've got a safety net & it's a strong one!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Live from New York, It's Saturday Night!!!

Saturday Night Live-- NBC-- 30 Rock-- Studio 8H

An absolute dream come true!! I've always wanted to go to SNL & hoped I'd figure out a way somehow. Never in my wildest imagination could I have scripted my experience of actually having that dream fulfilled!

Due to the magic of my life, I was promised the last two tickets by the man hosting the show, Mr. Russell Crowe. I was invited to SNL by the flippin' host!! This means that you are treated like royalty! Talley & I escorted to our seats (which were blocked off with tape #baller) and we were sitting front & center. Directly in front of the center stage where Russell gave his opening monologue!!

The amount of people that crew this show is insane! I enjoyed watching them set the whole thing up almost as much as watching the sketches! Live TV is so fun!! I'm pretty sure I grinned ear-to-ear the entire hour and half. The musical guest was such a delightful surprise #country

After the show, we weren't quite sure where to go, but Talley had been there for a previous host, so she knew the back hallways & down we went to the dressing rooms. We found Russell & Margo and loads of people in the room enjoying post-show drinks!

On to the after party at Landmarc! I hopped in a cab with some strangers cause... why not?! We arrived before Russell, which was good because it gave me time to find my friends who were already at the party. Once he arrived, he had a table reserved in the back where the cast was seated and the almighty Lorne Michaels himself!

Long story short, I ended up at Lorne's table with Kate McKinnon & Russell and other folk like me. At one point there was a $350+ bottle of champagne on the table... I had two glasses just cause I'll probably never drink anything that expensive again!

The most wonderful moment was near the end of the evening, I'd been chatting for a while with the infinitely adorable Will Forte and Lorne started to head out. Will stopped him to say hi & he turned to introduce me. As we're shaking hands, we both just laugh and he says "we're old friends" since we'd already spent a couple hours chatting earlier in the evening #dreamcometrue


Friday, March 18, 2016


"What's worth doing even if I fail?"

The year started with a text message from a friend, "We're having auditions at the end of the month, do you want me to pass along your info?"

Today, I received an email welcoming me to the SWERVE family as an instructor! If you don't know what this means... see 2015! I've been chasing this dream of instructing indoor cycling for over a year!

It's a surreal feeling to accomplish a goal, especially one that seemed strangely elusive. To declare a goal to myself or anyone else is a vulnerable thing. What happens if it doesn't work out? How do I deal with failing that goal? What do I consider to be failure? Is it possible to reframe the goal? How much am I willing to risk?

"Often the result of daring greatly isn't a victory march as much as it is a quiet sense of freedom mixed with a little battle fatigue." This quote sums up my current state perfectly. I feel free. Incredibly thrilled and anxious about the next steps... but free!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sweet Sixteen

The Year in Review experience of looking through all the pictures from each day last year tempted me to continue... but I'm not. Only significant moments from here on out. Sorry Dad. I'm pretty sure you're the only one that might read this on a regular basis. 

However, only 5 days into the new year I had one of those "only in NYC" nights. Through the magic of New York, I've come to know a couple folks currently performing on Broadway. They happen to know one of my acting icons, Laurie Metcalf! They graciously invited me for drinks after their shows, so I found myself in one of the back booths at Bar Centrale, where the cool kids sit! 

Now, I'm around celebrities constantly, so I know how to play it cool... kinda. I think I fooled everyone! It doesn't happen often that I get to sit with incredible working actors as a contemporary. I'm always Erin, "the concierge"! Can I get you a dinner reservation?! It was nice to just be Erin, the occasionally working actress :) I totally belong. 

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dec. 31st

Surprise gift from my Croatian goddess, Ida!

Happy birthday/New Year!!

Most epic game of Celebrity & no one looked at their phone the whole time!